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Please note that we get a large amount of requests for product donations, sponsorships, and partnerships on a daily basis. If you're contacting us with a similar request, please provide as much detail as possible. We're a small operation with limited resources, so we're very selective with our marketing activities.

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To all our loyal customers and supporters, we wish you all a heartfelt thank you for being part of the Corgi Spirits journey over the last six years. In particular, we want to thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support since we announced we would close our doors at the end of 2023. We will
always cherish the special friendships we forged.

While this chapter is coming to an end, we hold hope that the Corgi Spirits story will continue, possibly in another form, at some point down the road.

With our most sincere thanks and appreciation,
Corgi Spirits

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