Our goal is to make our award winning products available to as many Corgi Spirits lovers through as many outlets as possible. We now have a way for you to help us do just that, and receive one of our popular Corgi Spirits tee shirts for free!

We are currently distributed in NJ, NY, DE, MD, and Washington D.C. through Opici Distributing, and we recently started distributing in California, Florida, and Illinois through LibDib. If there is a liquor store or food and beverage establishment that you would like to carry our products please let them, and us, know. Ask for the buyer’s contact information (email and phone) and send it, along with the name and location of the establishment, to our head of Sales & Marketing Leandra DelPozo at You can also ask the buyer to reach out to Leandra directly.

For every referral that leads to an initial order of a 6 bottle case or more of any of our products, we will send you one of our popular Corgi Spirits tee shirts, in the style and size of your choice. Visit us on the Shop Page to see sizes and styles.

Thanks for your continued support in making our award winning products available to Corgi lovers across the nation. We won’t stop until we’ve reached all of you!

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To all our loyal customers and supporters, we wish you all a heartfelt thank you for being part of the Corgi Spirits journey over the last six years. In particular, we want to thank you for the tremendous outpouring of support since we announced we would close our doors at the end of 2023. We will
always cherish the special friendships we forged.

While this chapter is coming to an end, we hold hope that the Corgi Spirits story will continue, possibly in another form, at some point down the road.

With our most sincere thanks and appreciation,
Corgi Spirits

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